I apologize for going so long without letting those who aren't nearby or closest to me know what is going on.
Tyson and I broke up in mid-June, a few days after my graduation ceremony. There are many reasons why this happened, none of which I quite feel like going into. The unfortunate result of this was that I very much wanted to separate myself from my documentary project on small-housers (and this blog) once separated from what was to be our small house. In the process, I quite unconsciously divorced myself from my photography as well. I am doing very well now, still living in Santa Cruz, and am teaching English in San Jose, having learned during grad school how much I love to teach.
My new plans for the future center around getting more teaching experience and a terminal degree so that I can work at the college level. I also hope to get involved with (or start) a non-profit that teaches youth to document their own experiences and lives through photography and/or poetry. At some point in the future, probably within the next few months, I will relaunch my photography website with photos from my project. I will definitely update readers here on that once it happens. Until then, I hope that you are all doing well. And I wanted you to know that I am.
Leaving you with a photo from
Steph's lovely Portland marina: